10 Ways to Destress and Have More Leisure Time

  1. Live simply. By reducing the amount of stuff you maintain, you can increase the time available for leisure. 
  2. Plan unoccupied time. Schedule two hours on Wednesday afternoon and plan to do nothing. See what happens. That is leisure time. Do not do anything responsible or dutiful.
  3. Say no. It is okay to miss a co-worker’s daughter’s bridal shower. Send a gift card. Three to four hours become instantly available.
  4. Schedule days of the week for the important people in your life, which includes yourself. For every family commitment, make a commitment to yourself. Make leisure time a priority. Work and chores will always be there.
  5. Live close to work. Decreasing commute time in the car increases leisure time.
  6. Live close to play. Decreasing the driving time to a favorite leisure spot like the family cottage, or a ski resort increases the frequency of a favorite leisure activity.
  7. Maximize your schedule by coordinating errand runs and reducing driving time. Do errands during lunchtime to free up evenings.
  8. Eliminate unwanted mail. Cancel unread magazines, newspapers, email groups and junk mail. Set your spamblocker to keep out unwanted email. Time is wasted on undesired communications.
  9. Delegate chores and tasks. Let go of the need for perfection or control. More is accomplished and more time becomes available.
  10. Throw out the watch or quit looking at it so often. There are no time police.


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