
If you’d like to leave a suggestion for a DoItAndHow  post, please leave it here.  Please include any links that might be helpful.

Thank you for your suggestions.

100 thoughts on “Suggestions

  1. Hi there, great blog! I love all the information available. I would like to suggest “how-to moving tips.” I have found that moving can be one of the most stressful things for someone to go through, and any advice would be helpful to someone in this situation in their lives. I found these pages on Atlas Van Lines, that have an extensive amount of moving “how-tos” from, how to move with pets, and how to move electronics, to how to stretch your moving budget. Here’s the link,, I hope it is helpful.

  2. Your dad, Jonco, turned me onto this site (guess he figured my contribution was more appropriate for you). I’ve bookmarked it.

    Go green, recycle, reuse and buy local. Fuck Walmart.

  3. No Suggestions….I love the random and so often helpful things you post! I often “Pin” your posts on Pinterest!

  4. I love the site so far, but there are so many posts I feel like I don’t know where to start. How would you feel about having subcategories or tags? For example, “Wear it” is good, but within that category you could have “clothing” “jewelry” “accessories.” Or under Kitchen, you could have “organization” “recipes”.

  5. I just found your site, but don’t like that when I open a page and then return to the original page, that it returns to the beginning. Is there a way to avoid this?

  6. Love, love, LOVE this site! One thing: At least in my browser, the white background stops after a while and then there is black print on brown background. The only words I can read there are the titles (although the pictures are still great.

    1. Dear Sirs: Is it true that our traditional virus protectors, ie: Norton, have no effect on viruses on Facebook, Pinterest?

      On Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 5:08 PM, Do It And How

  7. How do I find the instruction for the stacked flower pot craft. (looks like clay pots on a rod or something like that)

    1. You’re on the right track. Its a piece of rebar. And pots.
      Jam/hammer the rebar into the ground where you want it- make sure its standing up straight. Add pots through the bottom hole of each pot. Tilt as you go and add your soil and plantings.

    1. Thanks – those are cute! They’ll post on 12/6.
      Please contact me via email (I sent you my personal one) or on this suggestion page – I love the suggestions!!!

  8. Would you kindly include a little “Pin it” sign on your wonderful pages of “Do it and How”? It would be so much easier to post them on PInterest if you did this. Thank you so much.

  9. Love this website. I share many of your posts on my face book page and always cite your blog. It would make things a lot easier if you had the link for sharing to facebook.

  10. Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am Bella. I visited your site and found the themes of your site are bound up with mine.
    I’m running a b2b company connecting China suppliers and foreign buyers. Seeing your site is built well, I would like to place a text link or banner ad (not the type of CPM and CPC) on your site. Are you interested in that?

    What is the price of it for 3 months?

    I’m looking forward to your kindly reply!

    Best regards,

  11. Hi there, great blog! I appreciate all the information available. I would suggest you to post for “moving tips.” I have found that one of the stressful thing is moving for someone to go through, also post some advise for movers and mango people. Delta Van Lines, that have an extensive amount of to how to stretch your moving budget. Here’s the link,, I hope it is helpful.

  12. Hi, my name is Joe Eitel and I’m in charge of web content for Hometown Dumpster Rental ( I came across your site recently and noticed our “Composting 101” infographic ( Hometown Dumpster Rental originally created Composting 101 back in May of 2012.

    Thank you sharing this infographic with your readers! Would you be so kind as to properly attribute the infographic back to our site? If you could include a link back to Hometown Dumpster Rental (URL below) and let me know when you do so, that would be great.

    Again, thanks for including our infographic at your site, and I appreciate your time in the matter.

    Joseph Eitel
    (616) 723-8515

  13. I would definitely let your readers know about they not only have thousands of freebies, but they let you search for them by zip code and show you only those in your area. Its awesome, i have spent my whole birthday just eating stuff for free, even got a couple of bowling games in and a movie.

  14. I LOVE your Website!!
    Thank you so much for all you do to get us these great ideas.
    I was wondering if you might do something on decorating school lockers? My daughter is starting middle school and it would be great to have some DIY ideas.

  15. We have been doing some fun pumpkin science experiments – pumpkin can sink or float, grow a pumpkin plant with out a traditional pot, guess which pumpkin has the most pumpkin seeds, and of course make an oozing pumpkin. We are also going around the world with food – just some ideas – love your blog keep up the great work!!

  16. Hi My name is Debbie Beavers. I am the owner of the blog Thank you for sharing my Neiman Marcus Dip. Would you please give my blog credit for the photos and recipe where everyone can see it without having to click on the link. Thank you very much. I appreciate the traffic to our blog but have worked hard on the photos and content and would like credit for them.

  17. I want to be able to click the link that gives me more info on the post but have it come up in a new window. Instead it takes over your page and I have to find where I am on your site again.

  18. A search button would be great. I see something on Pinterest and then when I get here I can’t find what was posted. Love your site but would love to be able to find specific things easier.

  19. Hi My name is Debbie Beavers. I am the owner of the blog Thank you for sharing my Neiman Marcus Dip. Would you please give my blog credit for the photos and recipe where everyone can see it without having to click on the link. Thank you very much. I appreciate the traffic to our blog but have worked hard on the photos and content and would like credit for them.

  20. I pinned a catapult made of tongue depressors 37 weeks ago, but the pin doesn’t take me to that page and I can’t find it here now. Is there a way to search your posts? It would sure be nice …

  21. Do you have any suggestions showing motorcycles , like dessert that look like motorcyle or craft that looks like !!!! We are Harley riders and would love to have a theme party !!

  22. Recent posts have no instructions or links that connect them to instructions on “how to do it” – is something broken/

  23. Hi There,
    can you do me a huge favor, I have change over my website to WordPress and the previous links you have for the Stuffed animal storage Zoo’s will no longer default to the correct site (it goes to my blogger which will only be active for a short time and then I will shut it down). Here is my correct website links

    Addies Zoo link-

    Caydens Farm Link-

    Thank you so much

  24. Please fix your site. I “click” on the Air Cleaning Plants and it goes right to the Mask Mates ( which is a Great idea btw). I would like to read about the plants also

  25. Hello there,

    We’re interested in advertising on your site.

    Could you please let me know what advertising options you offer?

    Thanks for your time.

    Karen Smith
    Content Ambassador

    +1 (601) 298-4431

  26. I wistfully clicked on this saved site on my computer and was pleasantly surprised to see you posting again! I’m so excited to see it—have really missed you. I have read Bits & Pieces for years and found this site thru your dad. Have been happy to see you take it over for him. Please keep posting!!

    1. Aww thank you! I appreciate your nice words. I’m not sure how often I will post – mostly right now, just some listings of my recent products. Hopefully things will change on the job front, where I can do more.

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