Rubberband-Dyed Eggs

The process is simple.
You need many different cups of dye solution.
Hard boil your eggs.
Place egg in very lightest dye (let’s say pale pink) for just a touch of color.
Dry. Wrap several rubber bands around the egg, but leave plenty of pale pink spaces in between.
Dye in medium color dye (such as hot pink, or magenta).
Dry. Remove rubberbands. Dry again.
Wrap several rubber bands around egg, but not where the magenta is. Again, leave some pale pink stripes.
Place in darker dye, like red or purple.
Dry. Remove rubberbands, and you should have a beautiful tri-colored egg!

great idea via inkspriredmusings

6 thoughts on “Rubberband-Dyed Eggs

    1. Here’s the info I’ve found: “instead of rubber bands, at least on the very ends of the hard boiled egg, thin painter’s tape was used. Be sure to rub the edges down well after placing, so the dye doesn’t get under it. Wait 20 mins. after dying, and then remove the tape.” Remember to always dye lightest color first.
      Let us know if you’v tried this and how well it works (or not!)

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