Rock Candy

  • 2 cups water
  • 1 cup white corn syrup
  • 3 1/2 cups sugar
  • 1/4 tsp cream of tartar
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
  • 3 drops of blue gel food coloring

I boiled the mixture and then continued stirring it on the heat until it reached 300 degrees F (used a candy thermometer to measure the temp). At that point, I poured it into a tray to cool. It hardened up in about an hour and then I smashed it to pieces. via reddit

100 thoughts on “Rock Candy

      1. Legit someone made this for a “breaking bad” themed party. I would be careful of what you decide to put them in or people may think you’re trying to sell Walter whites blue meth 😂😂😂

    1. question… does it have to be glass?? or can I go buy the cheap plastic wine glasses lol… but fr

  1. It looks like drugs because it’s basically a replica of how they make Blue Sky meth in Breaking Bad (minus the actual meth, of course).

  2. Wow really? This is rock candy people calm yourselves. I would have loved to have seen this before the finale of breaking bad.

    1. I would imagine you could get a cinnamon flavor from the candy making and baking aisle in a craft store walmart etc. I havent made these before but im sure it would work fine.

        1. I did it step by step, and it never hardened!??!???????

          I am so upset I needed it for tomorrow. My own fault for not trying it out sooner!

          Can you tell me why it’s not setting?

    2. yes, add 1 dram oil of your choice after you remove from heat and stir well. It’s best to add your food coloring at this time also

  3. Some of you people are absurd! Drugs?!?! Really?? So I am sure kids will think that right away! If you are doing a Frozen theme party I do not see how anyone would think that about this candy! I Hate how people ruin such wonderful ideas! (smh) Shame on you!

    1. If you look at the source, you’ll see this was originally made for a breaking bad party and is supposed to look like the blue meth on the show.

        1. “At that point, I poured it into a tray to cool. It hardened up in about an hour and then I smashed it to pieces. via reddit.” Mia sweetie, um please relax and that person was actually right. Hunny you should’ve read that part she wrote Via Reddit then click on the link. Who cares do whatever you want,but, I’m just sad and embarrassed at all the people who flew off the handle at the people who are right about it being a recipe for that breaking bad show. Sheesh!

        2. Oh yes it was mia, see what SOME people are forgetting is why would you put this candy in little baggies for little kids? 🤔, if you want to use it for a breaking bad party, user baggies, if you want to use it for a frozen party user a cool out nice cup or dish. ..right folks? It’s a double duty candy idea.

    2. Dear Liz,
      Hi. You shouldn’t berate people online and be so harsh unless you know why. There was a very popular tv show that almost everyone in the world knows about. That show is called ‘Breaking Bad’, which aired on AMC from 2008-2013. Please feel free to search online and/or watch it(it’s captivating). In the show, the 2 main characters make Meth(drug) it is blue and glasslike and they would put them in those little plastic baggies to sell to the drug addicts. You became very angry and defensive towards people on here. :/ They weren’t making up any false statements. Anyone who has watched the show KNOWS that this original post/recipe was actually a tongue in cheek recipe actually referring to the TV show ‘Breaking Bad’. Hope this made sense, I’m under the weather.
      Take care Liz! 🙂

        1. I’m pretty sure Kids should not be watching Breaking Bad and for those Adults who do, GROW UP, this is a website for AWESOME ideas to cooking honestly NOT cooking drugs!

    3. I TOTALLY agree with you Liz, these people talking about it looking like drugs is ridiculous, that was not my first impression, it was “Wow I can do this for my Granddaughters Frozen Birthday Cake”, you people talking about this amazing idea looking like drugs needs to STOP! I totally appreciate the Wonderful creative idea for my Frozen cake, now hopefully it hardens for me afterwards! Any input to the hardening while posting?

  4. Well Liz, I suppose if the post didn’t refer to this candy as looking like meth and wasn’t put in little baggies. People wouldn’t be saying anything about it. Really. I guess I could see how this would be pretty cool for a Breaking bad party but I sure wouldn’t be giving this to kids. Just me, maybe.

        1. “At that point, I poured it into a tray to cool. It hardened up in about an hour and then I smashed it to pieces. via reddit.” Mia sweetie, um please relax and that person was actually right. Hunny you should’ve read that part she wrote Via Reddit then click on the link. Who cares do whatever you want,but, I’m just sad and embarrassed at all the people who flew off the handle at the people who are right about it being a recipe for that breaking bad show. Sheesh!

        2. Bob you and your foul mouth. BTW, what on earth are you doing on this cute site? You have the audacity to call people dumba**? You can’t manage to properly write 1 structured sentence. Poor spelling,horrible grammar, and foul language. You have no right to call anyone those nasty names. If you were intelligent, you could’ve made your point without the need to be rude and nasty. Gross,really.

  5. Going to try and make this for my daughter frozen Birthday party any do’s or don’t before eI try a batch..

    Any people really kids birthday’s little bothered why does everything in the world resorts back to drugs or looks like drugs…

    1. Probably because this was originally made for the breaking bad finale. Check out the source! This is supposed to look like the blue meth from the show.

    2. Either you are a troll or just clueless. Please read above, this IS a reference to the tv show ‘Breaking Bad’. The ORIGINAL POST(not frozen party) INTENDED on making this as a DRUG reference to the BLUE METH that was made and sold to drug addicts on THE TV SHOW. smh
      Watch popular tv shows much? lol I can imagine the look of horror on those parents faces who watched Breaking Bad when they take their kids to a party and see this Blue Drug candy! LMAO
      Stop arguing with people and RESEARCH before you make an attempt to be passive agressive.
      ANY parent making this for a childs party will be laughed at and frowned upon. Lol

    1. Parchment paper or a silicon mat would work or other wise I would spray lightly. i have also heard of people using kool-aid to flavor this

  6. Can this be made in advance & stored for about a week? If so how would you store it? Should I wait to break until ready to use? If broken will it stick together?

    1. Hi Kerry,
      Yes, it will stick together. But if you put it in a ziplock bag with a little bit of powdered sugar and shake it up really good it should be fine. After you shake it up in the ziplock bag take it out and get the extra sugar off of the pieces. You can use a paper towel to wipe them clean. They still might stick a little bit if you let them sit for a week. But they should come apart with little effort.

  7. Wow, really? I can’t imagine why anyone would take a KIDS party idea and make a drug reference unless they were immature or a drug head themselves. Grow up people, your opinions reflect your IQ. Lol

    1. Lol check the source! Its originally from the breaking bad sub reddit for the finale! Use it for a kid’s party, but this was definitely originally meant to look like drugs.

    2. Either you are a troll or just clueless. Please read above, this IS a reference to the tv show ‘Breaking Bad’. The ORIGINAL POST(not frozen party) INTENDED on making this as a DRUG reference to the BLUE METH that was made and sold to drug addicts on THE TV SHOW. smh
      Watch popular tv shows much? lol

  8. Tried this but went from blue to green-burnt in like seconds when hit 300 degrees. Sort of dangerous too, as it becomes like shards of glass. Oh well, looked interesting.

    1. I have made sugar glass a few times and have learned that you should not put any coloring in until the mixture is 280 degrees, then make sure to take it off the heat as soon as it hits 300. When I use isomalt it says to put the whole pot in a bit of water to stop the cooking. It is kind of scary as you can imagine putting something that hot into water bath & I wouldn’t do it with a good pot but my sugar glass turned out perfect every time.

    1. From experience, my best suggestions is to make sure it reaches 300 degrees or “hard crack” stage. Also do not put it in the refrigerator, let it harden at a cool room temperature.

  9. I have tried this recipe, it didn’t work out. I figure out later, need to add more tartaric acid than advised.

  10. I used candy floss sugar (cotton candy sugar). It is already colored and flavored. No fuss no muss. Turned out great.
    For everyone freaking about it looking like meth. Get real people. Just because the recipe calls for “blue”, doesn’t mean you have to make it blue.

  11. Thanks, I love this. I’m going to try and make it look like seaglass for an Ahoy! It’s a boy! themed baby shower.

  12. Lol. I don’t know about this one. I don’t think the packaging is good on this one. Looks like something that came out of Breaking Bad movie which sounds like it was the intent. 😭 Would be better if it was in a little candy tin or something. Anyways, I would still try it.

  13. Lol so it has a double meaning…. for adults just in baggies and for a kids party add a cute header referring to frozen theme. Any parents who complains must be absolutely the perfect parent.LMFAO like there’s a such thing.

    1. P.S. Cake boss does a rock candy that looks like this for waves and water. Before Breaking Bad ever aired. Maybe they stole the idea too.

      1. Sweetie, the method on the tv show didn’t look like hard candy. Lol bless your heart love. This is just a funny tongue in cheek candy made for parties to resemble the blue meth. For frozen, I would just pour into a circular mold to make it look like a frozen lake or perhaps use your imagination and make cute little round frozen lollipops. The baggies and broken candy is going to remind people of the movie ‘breaking bad’ though. Xoxo

  14. I love the conversation that started. Breaking bad, great show. The packing of the candy is cool. Love it. When I get it done, I let u know. Thanks

      1. Wonder if we can use something other than corn syrup to make this? I read that corn syrup is super awful . :/

    1. Agreed, however the people who were quarreling were the ones angry at a simple truth. This recipe was originally posted on reddit. Amazing what one can learn, if they only read. Lol smh at the foul mouthed trolls who in the end look like fools flipping get out on the poor people who were in fact trying to help us know that this was not intended for a frozen party originally. Thank you to those who enlightened, my kids teacher even knew about this and said thank goodness you didn’t make these for your daughter’s Bday! Lol rock candy has been around for ages, I think it was originally made using a crystallization method with strings and or sticks. I’m hoping to learn that method!

      1. I agree, and note if people are using it for a kids party don’t put it in baggies, then it becomes breaking bad, lol am I right

  15. It can be made in any color! My daughter wants a geode cake for her upcoming 18th birthday. Her birthstone is garnet… So I am making several batches in shades of deep red! All the colored rock candy I found online was flavor/color coordinated (red/cherry). I love that this was vanilla flavored and I control the size of the chunks! Can’t wait to see how it turns out!

    1. Hi Cindi I want to try this for a geode cake did it come out well? I want purple shades it’s hard to find the exact colour so thought of trying this. Does it get sticky after awhile.

    1. Omg, geode cake?? LOVE that Idea! I don’t know if you will see my comment, but, if you happened to take pics of the garnet candy,will you please post pics?

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